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怪物猎人ol 大怪鸟 中英文百科全书

2016-05-06      作者:尐佳哥

怪物猎人ol  大怪鸟 中英文百科全书

Encyclopedia of monster hunter ol
























































Encyclopedia of monster hunter ol

Of monster hunter ol Encyclopedia


I was pleasantly surprised to see this strange bird eggs, if it can be brought back, it will be a big strange bird research has a very big help.

Thought of here, do not know where the strength, I quickly looked to four weeks, picked up a strange bird egg ran. But this fire like the sun soon lost my strength, I hope what can to cover up the sun.

Everything is written in the book, the coincidence is always promoting the development of everything. I was immediately surrounded by a huge shadow, a violent wind blowing me, I will put the eggs down, but I was still unable to move the wind pressure, and my face also showed a panic look. This is not going to change!

It was all too suddenly, a huge figure landed in front of me, like a dream, it has a big mouth, a deafening roar to me to shake the whole body ache. An adult bird, in this way, appeared in front of me.

At this point I have ignored the other, see strange birds interested in the observation of its eggs, I took the opportunity to go out.

I see strange birds flee, turn around from the mouth in a fireball spit at me.

I quickly swooped out, fireball grazed my body, clothes will be burned to ashes.

It doesn't seem like it's going to make me safe to leave, only to fight. I pulled out my bow, Pactrometer aiming at its head. It has a ball of fire in its mouth, and raised his head and shot up to me.

See a parabola red fireball, thus appears in the above me. I hurriedly roll to escape, while it is the attack interval and shot at its head. However, did not play any effect.

I dare not to attack again, I took up arms, looking for a chance.

I see it with arms around him, waving wings back out of a few meters, at the moment we opened the distance.

It again in the mouth together with the flame, suddenly it began to me, shaking his head in a fire breathing to both sides. I panic roll out, but see it turned again, to me once again rushed to, this time there will be no luck, I on the ground quickly to the next roll to just roll spit in the fireball, suddenly, the burning flame was full of whole body, I on the ground under the banner of roll, want to extinguish the flame, but once again turned her head toward me.

Monster Hunter OL king made a bachelor's degree in the observation diary of a strange bird (on)

This time, I was hit by a heavy.

Severe pain with my body, lying on the ground, I don't know what to do. The pain that I close my eyes, my mind is full of memories, don't, this is my end?

Blue sky, green grassland, cool water, if is my burial ground, Feng Shui looks very good, just her,,

"Stand up!"

It seems there phonism, I thought I heard her voice.

"Stand up for me!"

She is standing right in front of me, the illusion appeared before beautiful fantasy.

Suddenly I was picked up by a force holding the collar. "I told you to wake up!"

Suddenly I wake up.


"Get up! This little wound is lying on the ground."."

"It's not a dream, what are you going to do?" I was surprised when I grew up.

"It's not me, it's us." She pointed to the distance with a big strange bird with ballista fighting men.

"Instructor said you have come to the hunting ground for a long time did not come out, afraid of your accident, let us look at what the situation." Lili smiled at me. "Come on, we're coming to meet you."

I was suddenly filled with power, and I took up my arms and stood up. "We're going to beat this big strange bird and go back!"

"Well," Lili laughed happily.

We're going to get it right now.

I saw her holding a sword, a serious face to the monster, there is no fear of that day.

Strange bird is lay siege to by the third person, in desperation, he unexpectedly straight standing up, mouth embodies the flame, in front of the body in the sector range spit four flame, protects the body with the flame.

But this does not prevent us from continuing to attack it, and I continue to attack it ballista in the distance. And it is red ear, and spit out a flame, so that we can not close.

This man will catapult away at the strange bird throw out a burst of jade pronunciation. Strange bird was the sudden sonic boom shock in a trance, rickety stood there, and it is the head of the fan-shaped ears and up.

We took the opportunity to attack it. Behind with ballista man smirked, "I am the props flow master, Royal Flying adults!" the name He Fei man seems to be very good at the use of props.

I in front of the head is a continuous shooting, I Xu Li alignment of the ear is an arrow, its ears to burst open ears only half.

Its ears are my break. It is very nervous, quickly rushed to the US, but halfway on the ground.

It has lost the power to resist. I'm taking advantage of it, and I've got a paralyzed trap in it. The effect of the paralysis of the trap so that it is paralyzed, unable to move. A strong current to the