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BTE/Bet To Earn

BTE/Bet To Earn

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BTE/Bet To Earn是一个优秀的手机软件,已被浅蓝网软件数字货币钱包栏目收录,下面是该APP软件介绍:








0.00 BTE


1亿 BTE



Bettoearn is P2E based a gamified betting game that provides their NFT holders passive income. Passive incomes you will earn depends mostly on your knowladge and just a lil bit your luck. It is totally free to play.There is no losing in the game because we count only your winner bets. There is no important how many bets you lost in our game mechanism because it rewards you with $BTE for your each accurated predictions. As a beginning we will start with sports betting and then we will add new games into our platform in the course of time.There is on-going token burning and thus inflation is prevented. There is also a referral system to encourage every new participant. Both of sides earns extra bonus tokens.We decided to make this idea real to help people who are addict to betting or love betting because we know that this addiction is the uncontrollable urge to continue gambling despite the toll it takes on one's life. Gambling/Betting is addictive because it stimulates the brain's reward system much like drugs or alcohol can. And some studies shows that this action stimulates a “thrill” which triggers the reward system to release up to 10 times more than the amount natural rewarding experiences would produce. Our main motivation is saving these people from losing their money at betting service providers and continue to make them getting excited and having some fun while taking same action. 本站提醒:投资有风险,入市须谨慎
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